
Top Picks: Best Crates and Kennels For Dogs In 2023

As we venture into 2023, the selection of the best crates and kennels for dogs becomes an increasingly important topic for pet owners. These essential items not only provide a safe space for your beloved pets but also aid in their training and behavior management. With the multitude of choices accessible, selecting one that meets both your and your dog’s needs can be daunting.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve deep into various factors to consider when choosing a crate or kennel. We’ll explore why crate training is paramount in making your pet feel secure within these confines and how you can introduce them gradually to this new environment.

We’ll review some of the top-rated dog crates of 2023 such as MidWest Homes iCrate Single Door & Double Door Dog Crate, Diggs Revol Dog Crate, and EliteField Soft Folding Dog Crate. Each offers unique features that accommodate dogs of different breed sizes while ensuring safety and comfort.

Furthermore, understanding different types of crates – from traditional wire crates to soft-sided ones made from recycled plastic – is crucial in making an informed decision. Lastly, we’ll help you determine the right size crate for your pet while providing tips on ensuring their safety during use.

Table of Contents:

The Importance of Dog Crates and Kennels

Alright, let’s get into it.

Dog crates and kennels aren’t just about confining your pet. They’re way more than that.

A good crate provides a safe haven for your furry friend – think of it as their personal space or room in the house where they can relax.

Whether you’re traveling with your dog or leaving them at home while you run errands, having a comfortable dog crate is essential.

Safety should be every pet owner’s top priority when choosing a dog kennel. A well-designed cage will keep Fido secure without compromising on comfort.

The market offers an array of options to choose from; traditional wire crates are great for ventilation whereas soft-sided ones provide extra cushioning.

Catering To Different Needs With The Right Crate Size And Type

Dog owners need to understand that different breeds have varying needs which means one size doesn’t fit all. For instance, larger breeds require bigger cages not only because they physically won’t fit but also because cramped spaces could lead to anxiety issues.

So how do we ensure our dogs’ comfort? By picking out the right type and size crate.

And remember: Just like us humans love our cozy bedrooms after a long day at work, dogs too appreciate their own little nook where they feel protected yet free enough to stretch those paws.

In the next section, we’ll delve deeper into what factors make up “the perfect” dog crate so stay tuned.

Choosing the Perfect Crate for Your Pooch

Picking a dog crate is no walk in the park.

Picking a dog crate involves taking into consideration security, dimensions, and styling.

Safety First, Furry Friend.

A good crate keeps your pet safe, no sharp edges or loose parts to cause harm.

Size Matters, Woof Woof.

Find the right crate size for your pup’s comfort and wellbeing.

For larger breeds, double doors are a great choice for easy access.

Breed Size and Design Compatibility:

Consider your dog’s breed size when choosing a kennel.

Each design accommodates dogs differently, so choose wisely.

Crate Training Is a Must:

Proper training helps your furry friend feel secure in their new home away from home.

Patience pays off for both pet parents and pets alike.

Reviewing Top Dog Crates in 2023

Dog crates have come a long way, and the market is teeming with options.

But which ones stand out?

We’ve done our homework to bring you the top-rated dog crates of 2023.

Best Overall Crate – MidWest Homes for Pets iCrate Single Door & Double Door Dog Crate

The MidWest Homes for Pets iCrate Single Door & Double Door Dog Crate takes first place as the best overall crate.

This traditional wire crate offers easy assembly, practical features like double doors, and an easily cleanable durable plastic tray sized proportionally to fit dogs comfortably.

Best Splurge – Diggs Revol Dog Crate

If budget isn’t a concern, consider splurging on the Diggs Revol Dog Crate.

A great choice that goes beyond basic functionality by ensuring your pet’s safety through its user-friendly design and robust construction.

Best Soft-Sided Option: EliteField Soft Folding Dog Kennel

Moving onto soft-sided crates – The EliteField Soft Folding kennel is praised among pet parents due to its comfort factor while being able to accommodate dogs conveniently into most spaces.

In this diverse lineup of dog crates, we hope you find one suitable. Next up, let us delve deeper into understanding different types of these handy companions.

Understanding Different Types of Crates

Dog crates come in various designs and materials, each catering to specific needs.

The traditional wire crate is a common choice among pet owners due to its durability and ventilation features. It’s like a doggy jail with a view.

If your dog enjoys chewing on metal bars or desires more privacy, the traditional wire crate might not be the best option. Nobody likes a jailbreak artist.

For pet parents who prioritize safety during travel, the reinforced plastic breed size crate is a great choice. It’s like a first-class cabin for your furry friend.

If you’re an eco-conscious pet owner, consider the recycled plastic breed size crate. It’s like giving Mother Earth a high-five while keeping your pup safe and sound.

Soft-sided crates, like the EliteField Soft Folding Dog Crate, offer portability and comfort. Perfect for small breeds or well-behaved dogs. Just don’t let any Houdini dogs near it.

Remember, a good crate should keep your dog safe and provide them with enough space. Finding the ideal accommodation for your pooch is essential.

Choosing the Right Size Crate for Your Pawesome Pal

Don’t crate your pet’s style – find the perfect fit.

Size matters when it comes to your furry friend’s crate.

Breed Size Matters

Big or small, find a crate that suits them all.

Make sure your pup can stand, turn, and snooze with ease.

Catering to Larger Breeds

For big buddies, double doors are a great choice.

Give them space to sprawl, no matter how tall.

Puppies Have Different Needs Too.

Adjustable dividers in wire crates are a pup’s best friend.

Grow with them, keeping safety in the trend.

Now that we’ve got the crate size down, let’s keep our pets safe and sound.

Ensuring Safety While Using Crates

Safety should be your utmost concern when handling a canine kennel or crate.

Your pet’s wellbeing should always be your fur-iority.

The Importance of Ventilation

Adequate ventilation in the crate is pawsitively crucial for keeping your furry friend cool and healthy.

According to experts, wire crates are a great option as they provide ample airflow.

Risks Associated with Certain Designs and Materials

Certain designs or materials used in some models can pose escape risks, which could lead to potential accidents if not addressed properly.

Experts suggest that reinforced plastic breed size crates might offer more security against escapes compared to soft-sided crates.

Making Your Crate Escape-Proof:

  • Pick durable options like traditional wire crates or recycled plastic breed size ones over softer alternatives for dogs prone to chewing their way out.
  • If you opt for double doors, make sure both have secure locks so there’s no chance of accidental opening by an eager paw.
  • Incorporate toys within the space – this will keep them occupied and reduce chances of destructive behavior leading to escape attempts. WebMD Pets advises on choosing safe dog toys here.

Remember: A good crate isn’t just about comfort, it also needs to keep our four-legged friends safe at all times.

Transitioning Your Pet To A New Crate

Moving your furry friend to a fresh crate may be quite an exciting journey. Upgrade from wire to the Diggs Revol Dog Crate or go for the soft-sided comfort of the EliteField Soft Folding Dog Crate.

The Initial Introduction

Remember, patience is key. Give your furry friend time to adjust and feel safe in their new space.

Create Positive Associations With The New Space

Make it a treat-filled paradise. Place treats inside or feed meals near the crate to create positive associations.

Incorporate Old Elements From Their Previous Kennel Or Bedding Area

A familiar blanket or toy can make them feel more at home in their new digs.

Take It Slow For Successful Transitioning

Introduce longer periods in the crate gradually – never force them.

If done right, transitioning should be stress-free and lead to increased happiness and security for both pet parents and our furry friends.

FAQs in Relation to Crates and Kennels for Dogs

Looking for a crate or kennel for your dog? Here’s what to consider:

  • Size matters: Make sure the crate is the right size for your dog.
  • Durable and safe: Look for crates made of reinforced plastic or wire.
  • Double doors: A crate with two doors can be a great choice.
  • Easy to clean: Opt for a crate with a durable plastic tray that’s sized proportionally.
  • Soft-sided option: If you prefer a soft crate, consider the EliteField Soft Folding Dog Crate.
  • For larger breeds: The Diggs Revol Dog Crate is designed to accommodate dogs of all sizes.
  • Good for pet owners: The traditional wire crate is a great option for pet parents.

Wondering how to crate train your dog?

Here’s a quick guide:

  1. Introduce the crate: Make it a positive and inviting space for your dog.
  2. Start slow: Gradually increase the amount of time your dog spends in the crate.
  3. Use treats and praise: Reward your dog for going into the crate and staying calm.
  4. Don’t rush: Take your time and be patient with the process.

Looking for personal opinions or experiences with specific crates or kennels?

Check out these credible sources:

  • Dog Crate Reviews
  • Pet Owner Testimonials


When it comes to finding the best crates and kennels for dogs in 2023, there are a few things to consider.

The MidWest Homes for Pets iCrate is the top choice overall, with its practical features and easy-to-clean tray sized proportionally.

If you’re willing to splurge, the Diggs Revol Dog Crate offers durability and safety.

For those who prefer a soft-sided crate, the EliteField Soft Folding Dog Crate provides comfort and security.

By understanding different types of crates, determining the right size for your pet, and ensuring safety, you can provide a cozy space for your furry friend.

So whether you have a small or large breed dog, these top-rated crates will give them a great place of their own in 2023.

Things To Consider When Looking For A Pet Boarding Facility

When seeking the ideal place to board your furry companion, there are a number of aspects to think about. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into these important considerations and provide you with an in-depth understanding of what makes a reputable boarding facility.

We will explore various aspects such as the dog boarding facility size and staffing ratio required for optimal care. Safety measures at these facilities are paramount; hence, we’ll discuss emergency procedures and access to veterinary hospital services.

The cleanliness of a facility can greatly affect your pet’s health. We’ll highlight sanitation standards that top-notch facilities uphold, along with everyday kennel environment conditions.

Amenities offered by different facilities vary significantly – from outdoor play areas to feeding schedules. Learning about these will help you make an informed decision on choosing the right place for your pet’s overnight stay or extended visit.

Vaccination requirements at boarding facilities ensure that all pets are protected against common diseases. Lastly, preparing your dog for their stay is equally crucial – ensuring they have a positive experience away from home.

This guide aims to equip you with essential knowledge when considering things while looking for a boarding facility so that you can find the best fit for both you and your furry friend’s needs.

Table of Contents:

Understanding Dog Boarding Facilities

Dog boarding facilities: the ultimate vacation spot for your furry friend.

These establishments specialize in providing overnight stays for dogs, offering a unique opportunity for socialization.

Size matters when it comes to choosing a boarding facility. A spacious environment ensures comfort, while an adequate staffing ratio guarantees personalized attention.

Some states even have regulations to ensure there are enough staff members to monitor all pets closely. Safety first.

Stay tuned for more insights on safety measures at reputable dog boarding facilities.

Safety First at Boarding Facilities

When it comes to your fur baby’s safety, no compromises should be made.

Reputable boarding facilities put the security of their four-legged guests above everything else.

Fencing and Security Systems

First things first, check if they have strong and secure fencing in place.

A sturdy fence keeps escape artists in and unwanted visitors out.

In-depth Safety Protocols

A good facility will have comprehensive safety protocols for emergencies like fires or medical situations.

Evaluation Procedures for New Dogs

  • New pups should go through an evaluation process before joining the everyday kennel crew.

Some states even regulate staffing ratios required at doggy daycares or boarding facilities.

This ensures there are enough staff members to handle any doggy disagreements.

If you’re interviewing boarding facilities, don’t hesitate to ask about these safety measures.

Remember: A reputable pet boarding facility won’t shy away from providing satisfactory answers.

Sanitation Standards at Boarding Facilities

Keep your pet in a clean and safe environment at a boarding facility.

Because let’s face it, nobody wants a stinky kennel.

Kennel Cleanliness

A reputable dog boarding facility will keep their kennels squeaky clean.

They’ll sweep out hair, disinfect surfaces, and provide fresh bedding.

Maintaining Play Areas

Clean play areas are a must for your pet’s health.

And yes, that means picking up poop pronto.

Fresh Air Flow & Temperature Control

A good facility won’t smell like a porta-potty.

Proper ventilation and temperature control keep things fresh and comfy.

Vaccination Against Common Canine Diseases

Make sure your furry friend is up to date on vaccinations.

It’s like a shield against those nasty doggy diseases.

Now, let’s talk about the fancy stuff some facilities offer.

Additional Amenities at Boarding Facilities

Not all boarding facilities are created equal, so choose wisely.

Some boarding facilities provide more than just a spot to bunk for your furry friend.

Imagine, your dog watching TV in their kennel – talk about luxury.

But it’s not just about providing amusement.

Scheduled playtimes are a must-have amenity.

They give your furry friend the exercise and socialization they need.

And if you really want to spoil them, find a facility with an outdoor open play area.

Let them run free and enjoy the fresh air while staying safe.

Because when it comes to boarding, it’s all about the amenities.

Vaccination Requirements at Boarding Facilities

When choosing a boarding facility for your pet, don’t forget to check their vaccination requirements. It’s not just about rules, it’s about safety too.

The Importance of Vaccinations

Vaccinations protect pets from diseases that can spread in shared environments like boarding facilities.

Dog Boarding Facility Standards

Reputable boarding facilities require dogs to have specific vaccinations. Common ones include rabies, kennel cough, and distemper-parvo combo.

Making Sure Your Pet Is Up-To-Date On Their Shots:

  • Contact your vet to ensure that all necessary vaccinations are up-to-date and administered in time for full protection.
  • Schedule any necessary shots well before your departure date.
  • Some vaccines require time to provide full protection.
Your Responsibility as a Pet Owner:
  1. Step #1: Provide Proof Of Vaccination – Always bring copies of vaccine records when interviewing boarding facilities.
  2. Step #2: Be Honest About Health Issues – Disclose any conditions or allergies during consultations.
  3. Step #3: Stay Informed – Keep updated on disease outbreaks and vaccine recommendations from reliable sources like the American Kennel Club (AKC).

After ensuring vaccination requirements, get ready for your pet’s boarding experience. Prepare them for a safe and comfortable stay.

Preparing Your Dog for Their Overnight Stay

If you’re getting ready for your pup to stay overnight at a boarding facility, make certain they are all set and good to go.

Apart from packing their favorite items, there are other things to consider for your pet’s overnight stay.

Packing Essentials

The AKC’s recommendations suggest bringing food, treats, bedding, and toys to make your pet feel at home.

Dogs With Special Needs Or Quirks

Your furry friend might have some special needs or quirks that need attention during their stay at the boarding facility.

  • Inform the personnel ahead of time if your canine companion has any health issues so they can give appropriate attention.
  • If your pooch has dietary restrictions or preferences, make sure to communicate them clearly.
  • If your dog has behavioral issues, like being scared of thunderstorms, inform the staff so they can create a comfortable environment.

Making The Transition Smoothly

A visit before booking can help you and your pet get familiar with the everyday kennel environment, making the transition smoother when it’s time for the actual overnight stay.

Remember, a well-prepared owner equals a happy dog.

Selecting The Right Boarding Facility For Your Pet

Choosing the right boarding facility for your pet is no small task. You want a place that’s pawsitively perfect.

First, consider your furry friend’s needs. Think about their personality, age, health, and activity level.

Affordability is important too. Boarding facilities can vary in price, so find one that fits your budget.

Services Offered

Look for a boarding facility that offers daily walks or outdoor play areas. Your pet deserves some fresh air and exercise.

Check if they have scheduled feeding times that match your routine at home. Consistency is key.

Ensure the facility you select has access to a veterinary hospital should your pet require medical attention.

Some fancy places even have cameras so you can spy on your fur baby from afar.

Pet Training Services

Some boarding facilities offer training during your pet’s stay. It’s like a vacation with a side of education.

Remember, it’s not just about finding the cheapest place. You want one where both you and your pet feel comfortable.

Take the time to interview different facilities. Ask about safety measures, sanitation standards, and vaccination requirements.

Choose a boarding facility that gives you peace of mind and provides quality care for your furry friend.

FAQs in Relation to Things to Consider When Looking for a Boarding Facility

What is a boarding facility?

A boarding facility is like a fancy hotel for pets, where they can stay overnight when their owners are away.

Are boarding kennels good for dogs?

Boarding kennels can be a dog’s version of a vacation, as long as they have outdoor play areas and a good staffing ratio.

What should I bring for boarding?

Don’t forget to pack your pet’s favorite toys, their special food, and all the details about their feeding schedule and habits.


When choosing a boarding facility for your pet, consider the size and staffing ratio to ensure they get the attention they deserve.

Ask about safety measures, emergency procedures, and access to veterinary care.

Sanitation standards should be a priority, and look for amenities like exercise options and feeding schedules that suit your pet.

Lastly, check the vaccination requirements of each facility.

Sample 24-Hour Boarding Schedule for Your Pets

Creating a Sample 24-Hour Boarding Schedule for Social and Non-Social Pets is an integral part of ensuring your pet’s comfort and safety when you’re away. It not only helps maintain their routine but also addresses their individual social needs, whether they are outgoing or prefer solitude.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into various aspects related to creating such a schedule. We’ll explore the importance of disaster preparedness for pets and discuss how to identify safe areas at home during emergencies. Additionally, we will help you understand the pros and cons of different pet care options like pet sitting versus facility-based boarding.

Furthermore, we’ll provide insights on handling non-social pets in public spaces like dog parks, essential items to pack for your pets in case of emergencies, and even special considerations required for larger animals like horses during disasters. By understanding these factors thoroughly while crafting your Sample 24-Hour Boarding Schedule For Social And Non-Social Pets, you can ensure that all their needs are met efficiently.

Table of Contents:

The Importance of Pet Disaster Preparedness

Preparing for potential disasters is essential when it comes to our beloved pets. Do we have the necessary steps in place to safeguard our beloved animals if an emergency arises?

Planning Ahead for Your Pets

Pet owners need to plan ahead. Have trusted neighbors or family members who can step in when needed. This means familiarizing these individuals with your pet’s routine and giving them access keys.

Maintaining Up-to-Date Identification Tags & Vaccination Records

Vaccination records are not just important; they’re often required by boarding kennels during disasters. Don’t forget to keep up-to-date identification tags on pets at all times.

Crafting an Emergency Contact List

An emergency contact list should include 24-hour telephone numbers for local animal shelters and veterinary offices that have boarding facilities.

Dog Parks: A Safe Haven During Disasters?

Nope. Dog parks may seem like safe places, but remember – horses require extra consideration too.

If you wouldn’t stay back due to safety concerns, don’t leave your pets behind either.

Choosing Between Pet Sitting and Pet Boarding

Pet owners often face a dilemma when they need to be away from home. Should you opt for pet sitting or pet boarding?

Pros and Cons of Pet Sitting

Pet sitting offers personalized attention right at your home. Your pets can stick to their routine without the stress of adapting to new surroundings. No need to deal with strangers invading their space. However, it can be pricier than traditional boarding kennels.

Understanding Facility Pet Boarding

In contrast, “facility-based” pet boarding involves taking your furry friend(s) to professional establishments like local animal shelters. Trained staff will take care of them while you’re away. This option provides socialization opportunities but also exposes them to potentially harmful diseases from other boarded animals if cleanliness standards aren’t maintained.

A Word on Play Time:

  • All good boarding facilities offer play time as part of their services – important for active breeds who love dog parks.
  • If your fur-baby enjoys playing with others, this could be a great opportunity.
  • Remember, not every pup loves company, so make sure there’s provision for solo-play too. Each individual has unique needs and preferences.
  • Your vet or even the local 24-hour emergency clinic might have handy recommendations, so don’t hesitate to ask around. Being a responsible pet owner means doing due diligence for peace of mind during your absence.

Exploring House Boarding Options

For those who wish to ensure their pet is comfortable while they are away, house boarding offers a home-like atmosphere. No cold kennels here.

With personalized care and fewer furry friends around, your pet will be living the high life. Be ready to shell out a bit more for this luxurious treatment.

The Benefits of Home-Based Pet Care

House boarding is like a home away from home for your pet. It’s their routine, but with a little extra pampering.

They’ll get all the attention they deserve, without the stress of a busy boarding facility. No need to worry about unfamiliar noises or strange smells.

Selecting The Right House Boarder

Before you trust someone with your fur baby, do your homework. Check their reputation with local animal shelters and emergency community cat disaster preparedness programs.

And don’t forget about mealtime. Make sure your potential sitter can stick to your pet’s feeding schedule. Some even offer packing canned pet food services. Talk about convenience.

As we move on to the important topic of Local Animal Shelters’ role in Disaster Preparedness, keep these considerations in mind. Your pet’s comfort and well-being should always come first.

The Role of Local Animal Shelters in Disaster Preparedness

When disaster strikes, local animal shelters step up to the plate, providing critical post-disaster help despite limited resources.

These shelters maintain pets’ feeding schedules and offer a safe haven for displaced animals.

Benefits of Animal Shelters

Our local animal shelter plays an essential role in emergency community cat disaster preparedness programs.

Pet owners can rest assured knowing that their furry friends are cared for even when circumstances turn dire.

In fact, many pet supply retailers sell pet essentials to aid these shelters in providing care.

Surely patience is required as your beloved companions adjust to changes after an emergency.

ASPCA advises that it’s crucial to have a plan with your local 24-hour emergency clinic if you’re unable to reach the shelter due to unforeseen situations.

After any catastrophe, returning home may be stressful not just for humans but also for our four-legged pals.

Keeping them on leashes or inside carriers until they’ve adjusted back into their routine minimizes potential behavior issues arising from stress or fear.

The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) recommends checking homes and yards thoroughly before letting pets roam freely again. This helps ensure no wild animals seeking refuge there could pose threats.

The Responsibility of Being a Pet Owner

Being a pet owner is more than just cuddles and playtime. It’s about responsibility, commitment, and understanding your pet’s routine.

Finding Animal-Friendly Places Handy

In the event of an emergency evacuation or simply planning for vacation, it becomes crucial to find animal-friendly places handy where you can take your pets along. Boarding kennels, pets feeding schedules, and similar websites offer comprehensive lists of hotels that accept pets nationwide.

Preparing for Emergency Situations

Pet owners need to be prepared for emergencies such as wildfires or hurricanes, which might require immediate evacuation with their beloved furry friends in tow. Packing canned pet food in disaster kits and having a pet disaster preparedness plan are a few ways responsible pet owners prepare themselves.

Post-emergency situations also call for extra caution. Leashing dogs while outside ensures they don’t wander off into potentially dangerous areas affected by disasters. Checking homes and yards thoroughly before letting them roam free prevents encounters with wild animals seeking refuge there after natural calamities.

Remembering these tips will not only ensure safety but also help maintain some semblance of normalcy amidst chaos – something our four-legged family members greatly appreciate.

FAQs in Relation to Boarding Schedules for Social and Non-Social Pets

Can I board my dog if he doesn’t like other dogs?

Yes, many boarding kennels offer private accommodations for non-social pets, so your dog can have a peaceful stay.

How do you evacuate with multiple pets?

Create a pet disaster preparedness plan that includes each pet’s needs, secure carriers for all, and identify animal-friendly places handy in advance.

What is the difference between dog boarding and pet sitting?

Dog boarding involves your pet staying at a facility while you’re away, while pet sitting means someone comes to your home to care for your furry friend.

What are the social needs of a dog?

Dogs need interaction with humans and other dogs for mental stimulation, exercise, and overall well-being, so regular visits to dog parks can help meet these needs.


This sample 24-Hour Boarding Schedule For Social and Non-Social Pets is a must-read for responsible pet owners who want to keep their furry friends safe and happy in any situation.

Learn the importance of pet disaster preparedness and discover the best options for your pet’s stay, whether it’s at a boarding facility or with a trusted pet sitter.

Don’t forget to pack canned pet food for emergencies – because even pets need their fur coats and a full belly!

Find out how to socialize your pet at dog parks and handle non-social pets with behavior issues – because every pet deserves playtime and a chance to make new furry friends.

And let’s not forget about our larger animal friends – horses require extra consideration during disasters, so be prepared!

Remember, it’s always handy to have a list of local animal shelters, pet supply retailers, and the contact information for a 24-hour emergency clinic in case of any pet emergencies.

Professional Kennels vs Pet Sitters: Choosing for Your Pets

Deciding between pet sitters and professional kennels to entrust with the care of your beloved pets can be a difficult decision. Each option has its own set of benefits and potential drawbacks that need careful consideration.

In this in-depth exploration, we’ll delve into the intricacies of both pet sitting and pet boarding. From discussing the personalized touch offered by a professional pet sitter to understanding the dynamics involved with boarding facilities, we aim to provide you with valuable insights.

We’ll also navigate through potential risks associated with each choice, offering tips on how to assess different kennels or choose a reliable sitter. Furthermore, we will explore house boarding as an alternative option for your furry friends.

Our aim is to furnish you with the knowledge necessary for making a judicious decision concerning what would be most beneficial for your animals when it comes to selecting between specialized kennels and pet minders.

Table of Contents:

The Intricacies of Pet Sitting and Pet Boarding

Let’s dive into the fascinating world of pet care options.

The Personal Touch in Pet Sitting

Pet sitting is purrfect for personalized attention. Happy Tails Pet Sitting, for example, knows how to cater to each pet’s unique needs. From special diets to playtime preferences, they’ve got it covered.

But beware. Finding a reliable pet sitter can be a cat-astrophe. Some might be suspiciously cheap, and you don’t want to hire an undesirable pet sitter instead.

The Dynamics of Pet Boarding

Now, let’s talk about boarding facilities like Grizzly Peak Animal Hospital. They offer professional care in well-equipped facilities. But remember, it’s a high-volume environment, so don’t expect the same personal touch.

Plus, your fur babies might get stressed adjusting to a new place. Risk of catching illnesses like kennel cough could be a bummer.

Stay tuned for our next section, where we’ll evaluate professional kennels vs. pet sitters head-on.

Evaluating Professional Kennels vs Pet Sitters

Choosing between a professional kennel and a private sitter for your pet can be ruff.

Let’s weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Routine Maintenance and Stress Reduction

A professional pet sitter offers the perks of keeping your furry friend’s routine intact. No bed-swapping or mealtime changes, which means less stress for your pet.

Boarding facilities? Don’t fret if your furry friend seems disoriented in a kennel environment; they’ll soon adjust. Don’t fret, they’ll soon become accustomed.

Attention Levels And Handling Multiple Pets

For those with multiple pets or one that needs extra attention, hiring a pet sitter is the best solution to ensure they receive individualized care. They’ll give your fur babies the personal touch they need.

On the other paw, kennel staff at busy dog boarding centers might struggle to give individual attention due to high animal-to-staff ratios. It’s a juggling act.

No worries. We’re here to help you make informed decisions that suit your circumstances and preferences.

When it comes to pet care, there are unpreventable risks involving pet boarding facilities.

Watch out for those undesirable pet sitters- slightly sketchy, don’t you think?

The Risk of Disease Spread in Kennels

Kennels can be breeding grounds for diseases like kennel cough. It’s like a pet version of a germ party.

Even with the best efforts from the kennel staff, your pets might catch something. It’s like they have a secret handshake with germs.

Beware of Suspiciously Cheap Pet Sitter Services

Cheap doesn’t always mean good when it comes to hiring a professional pet sitter. Don’t let your wallet make the decision for you.

A suspiciously cheap pet sitter might not have the right certifications or provide quality care. Your furry friend deserves better than that.

Pet Boarding Facilities Fail Too.

Even the best dog boarding services can have their off days. It’s like they forgot to set their alarm clock for pet care.

It can be daunting to search for the perfect person to look after our furry family members, so it’s essential to recognize any possible snags in this process. It’s like a puzzle with missing pieces.

Selecting the Best Care Option for Your Pets

Choosing between professional kennels and a private sitter is no walk in the park.

Deciding on the right care for your beloved furry companion is a significant decision.

Assessing Professional Kennels

When checking out different boarding facilities or ‘pet hotels,’ make sure to ask about their vaccination requirements.

Also, don’t forget to consider the qualifications of the kennel staff.

After all, you want to ensure your pet is taken care of properly.

Choosing A Reliable Pet Sitter

If you’re thinking of hiring a pet sitter instead, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Firstly, make sure they’re trustworthy and experienced.

And remember, a suspiciously cheap pet sitter might not be the best choice.

After all, you don’t want to end up with a pet sitter who’s more interested in your TV than your furry friend.

Understanding House Boarding As An Alternative

If you can’t decide between a kennel and a pet sitter, try house boarding. It’s like the love child of dog boarding and personalized care.

With house boarding, your pet gets the best of both worlds – a cozy home environment and individual attention.

The Perks of House Boarding

House boarding combines the comforts of home with the care of a pet sitter. No more cold, impersonal pet hotels or kennels.

A Customized Experience With House Boarders

  • Your pup gets plenty of exercise with regular walks, just like a dedicated pet sitter would provide.
  • Dietary needs are carefully attended to – no more relying on busy establishments like Grizzly Peak Animal Hospital.
  • You’ll receive frequent updates about your fur baby’s well-being, keeping the communication lines open.

Remember, every option has pros and cons. Based on your unique situation and desires, we’ll provide a summary of the key points to assist you in making an informed decision.

Final Thoughts On Choosing Between Kennels And Sitters

We’ve explored the ins and outs of pet sitting and boarding kennels.

Deciding between a professional pet sitter and a reputable boarding facility can be ruff.

Pet Sitting: Personalized Pawsome Care

A reliable, certified pet sitter offers personalized care in the comfort of your own home.

This option is purrfect for homes with multiple pets or animals with special needs.

Kennel Boarding: A Structured Staycation

Boarding kennels provide a structured environment that may suit some pets better than others.

  • If your dog loves routine and enjoys socializing with other dogs under the watchful eye of trained kennel staff, this might be a pawsitive choice.

From the risk of disease spread like kennel cough at crowded facilities to the potential pitfalls of suspiciously cheap pet sitters, each option has its quirks.

Whether you choose the reliable services of Happy Tails Pet Sitting or the renowned boarding facility at Grizzly Peak Animal Hospital, always prioritize your furry friend’s comfort.

Remember, not all pet hotels are created equal – and the same goes for private sitters. Do your research before entrusting anyone with your beloved companion.

And last but not least… trust your instincts.

You know your pet best when it comes to choosing their caretaker while you’re away.

FAQs in Relation to Professional Kennels vs Pet Sitters

What is the difference between dog boarding and pet sitting?

Dog boarding involves your pet staying at a professional facility while you’re away, while pet sitting typically occurs in your own home with a sitter coming to care for your pets.

What are the disadvantages of dog kennels?

  • Potential exposure to contagious diseases like kennel cough.
  • Possible stress from unfamiliar environment and routine changes.
  • Limited one-on-one attention compared to pet sitters.

What are the advantages of kennels?

  • Kennels often have trained staff available around-the-clock.
  • Might offer additional services such as grooming and training sessions.
  • Frequently require vaccinations which can help ensure health safety among boarded pets.

Are dog kennels a good idea?

Dog kennels can be an excellent choice depending on individual circumstances including your pet’s temperament, health status, and socialization skills. Always research thoroughly before deciding.


When it comes to choosing between professional kennels and pet sitters, there are a few things to consider. Pet sitters offer personalized care, but finding a reliable one can be a challenge and it can be pricey. Pet boarding facilities provide dedicated care, but pets may get stressed and catch diseases like kennel cough.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on your pet’s needs and your preferences. Check vaccination requirements and staff qualifications for kennels, or find a trustworthy pet sitter through references and certifications. And if available, consider house boarding as another option. By weighing these options carefully, you can ensure your pets get the best care.

Pet Care Options For Traveling Pet Parents

As pet parents, our four-legged family members often accompany us on our adventures. But what happens when travel plans don’t include them? This blog post explores the various pet care options for traveling pet parents, providing valuable insights to ensure your pets are well taken care of in your absence.

We’ll delve into the rising trend of in-home pet sitting and discuss how you can ensure safe pet sitting stays. Lost Pet Prevention Month serves as a timely reminder about updating essential details like your pet’s ID tag and microchip information.

You’ll learn about Rover – a reliable network of professional pet sitters dedicated to providing one-on-one dedicated care for your furry friends. We will also explore luxury options such as D Pet Hotels and convenient on-site services like PetsHotel at PetSmart.

For those preferring traditional methods, we cover what to look out for when choosing local kennels. Lastly, we share tips on preparing your pets for your absence – from maintaining their routine to stocking up on their favorite treats. As informed pet parents keeping pets safe is paramount; this guide aims to equip you with all necessary knowledge so that even while away, you needn’t miss a beat in ensuring optimal comfort and safety for your beloved companions.

Table of Contents:

The Rising Trend of Traveling Pet Parents

Travel is no longer just for humans.

Pet parents are hitting the road with their furry friends in tow. 27% of pet owners plan trips involving their pets within the next year.

Leaving our pets behind can feel like abandoning a family member. Many pet owners have opted out of traveling due to their reluctance to leave their furry family members alone.

But fear not, there are plenty of options for keeping pets safe while we satisfy our wanderlust. From free trusted house sitters memberships to local boarding facilities, responsible pet owners needn’t miss out on exploring new destinations.

The Comforts and Benefits of In-Home Pet Sitting

Let’s talk about in-home pet sitting.

A service that keeps your furry friends comfy while you’re away.

Imagine this: Your beloved pets, lounging in their favorite spots at home, following their regular routines even when you can’t be there with them.

Ensuring Safe Pet Sitting Stays

This isn’t just a dream for traveling pet parents anymore; it’s possible thanks to services like TrustedHousesitters.

You might ask why?

  • Your pets stay where they feel most secure – home.
  • Pet sitters ensure the continuity of your pet’s routine.
  • Sit back and relax knowing professional sitters are providing one-on-one dedicated care to your fur babies.
  1. An updated ID tag is crucial. Ensure all information on the tag is current before heading out on any travel plans.
  2. Mention Lost Pet Prevention Month as an educational opportunity regarding safety measures during safe pet sitting stays.
  3. Risk assessment – show around potential hazards or escape routes within the house so the sitter can keep those areas secured.
  4. Last but not least, teach your sitter how to use recall commands effectively if necessary.

Rover – A Reliable Network for Professional Pet Sitters

Rover is revolutionizing pet care.

This popular platform connects pet parents with professional sitters who provide various services. From dog boarding and house sitting to drop-in visits, they’ve got you covered.

The Approval Process:

Wondering how trustworthy these sitters are? Rover ensures the safety of your furry friends by approving less than 20% of all potential sitters after thorough background checks.

Apart from providing one-on-one dedicated care, many Rover professionals also offer dog walking services. This helps maintain your pet’s routine even when you’re away on travel plans.

Exploring Luxury Pet Care Options – D Pet Hotels

If you’re a pet parent who loves to spoil your furry friend, then luxury pet care options might be right up your alley.

D Pet Hotels offers an experience that goes beyond basic boarding facilities.

This is not just any ordinary kennel; it’s a five-star hotel for pets.

Luxury Suites and Modern Décor

Dog suites at D Pet Hotels are designed with modern décor and plenty of space for dogs to relax comfortably.

Their top-tier suite even includes a full-size human bed.

Gourmet Meals And Fitness Facilities For Pets

No detail has been overlooked in providing one-on-one dedicated care for each guest.

Gourmet meals can be customized based on dietary needs or preferences, ensuring every dog gets their favorite treats during their stay. Pets also have access to fully equipped fitness centers where professional dog walkers keep them active throughout the day.

Maintaining Your Dog’s Routine During Travel Plans

Your travel plans needn’t miss out on keeping pets safe while enjoying luxurious amenities. The staff at D Pet hotels ensure maintaining the routine of all guests by adhering closely to feeding schedules, walk times, and other routines familiar from home.

A Safe Haven For Nervous Dogs While some may consider this level of pampering excessive, nervous dogs especially benefit from such attention as it helps reduce anxiety levels caused due separation from owners. So next time you’re planning a road trip without your four-legged companion, remember there are places like D-Pet hotels which offer more than just shelter but rather provide comfort similar if not better than what they receive back home.

Convenient On-Site Care – PetSmart PetsHotel

Pet parents keeping pets safe while they travel? No problem.

Welcome to PetSmart PetsHotel, where your furry friend can enjoy a vacation of their own.

Standard Rooms or Private Suites? You Decide.

At PetSmart PetsHotel, we offer both standard rooms and private suites for your pet’s comfort.

Choose what suits your companion’s needs and preferences.

Our hotels are equipped with amenities designed for pets’ comfort and well-being.

Dogs get potty breaks, night lights, free meals, and 24/7 dedicated care.

Cats enjoy multi-level condos, comfy bedding, and complimentary meals.

Safety is our priority – trained staff and nearby vet practices ensure your pet’s well-being.

Rest easy during Lost Pet Prevention Month or any time of the year.

Even nervous dogs feel at home here. Woof.

If luxury isn’t your thing, check out traditional local kennels for reliable boarding facilities.

Local Kennels – A Traditional Yet Effective Option

This traditional option is still effective and widely available for boarding facilities.

What To Look For In A Good Kennel

Questioning what separates a great kennel?

Key factors include cleanliness, ample space, and connections with nearby vet practices.

  • Cleanliness: A clean facility is essential for your pet’s health and wellbeing.
  • Space Availability: Your pet needs room to move around freely, both indoors and outdoors.
  • Nearby Vet Practices: A reputable kennel will have connections with nearby vets for emergencies.

Remember, as responsible pet parents, keeping pets safe is our top priority when choosing accommodation options.

Making Your Pet Feel At Home

To help nervous dogs feel at home, bring along their favorite treats or toys to boarding facilities.

This familiarity can reduce anxiety levels and make their stay more comfortable.

Preparing Your Pets For Your Absence

Pet parents know that saying goodbye to our furry friends is never easy. But with the right preparations, pet owners can ensure their pets feel safe and secure during travel plans.

Maintaining a Regular Schedule

A consistent routine helps keep your pet calm and confident in your absence. Stick to regular feeding times, playtimes, and walks for dogs or interactive games for cats – all essential parts of any pet’s routine.

Familiar Scents And Comforts Of Home

Your scent provides comfort to your pets when you’re away. Leave behind an item that smells like you, such as a worn t-shirt or pillowcase. And don’t forget to include some of your pet’s favorite treats for familiarity.

The Importance Of Exercise Before Departure Day.

A good long walk for dog owners or an active play session for cat owners before departure can help tire out energetic fur babies, making them more relaxed after you leave.

If leaving nervous dogs alone makes you uneasy, consider hiring a local dog walker. This way, there will always be someone around providing companionship until they get used to being without their beloved human parent.

Remember, pet parents needn’t miss out on trips worrying about keeping pets safe back home. Just prepare wisely, ensuring smooth transition periods both pre- and post-travel.

FAQs in Relation to Pet Care Options for Traveling Pet Parents

How to Keep Your Pets Safe When Traveling

When pet parents hit the road, they needn’t miss out on pet care – there are plenty of options available to ensure their furry friends are well taken care of.

Consider Professional Pet Sitters

Instead of worrying about your pet’s well-being, hire a professional pet sitter who can provide one-on-one dedicated care.

Check Out Pet-Friendly Hotels

Some hotels are not only pet-friendly, but they also offer special amenities to make your pet feel right at home.

Don’t Forget the ID Tag

Before embarking on a road trip, make sure your pet is wearing an updated ID tag, just in case they decide to go on an adventure of their own.

Consider Boarding Facilities

If you’re not comfortable leaving your pet at home, there are boarding facilities available that can provide a safe and comfortable stay.

Keep Your Pet’s Routine

Traveling can be stressful for pets, so try to maintain their regular routine as much as possible to help them feel more at ease.

Find Nearby Vet Practices

It’s always a good idea to know where the nearest vet practices are in case of any emergencies while you’re on the road.

Make Your Nervous Dog Feel at Ease

If you have a nervous dog, bring along their favorite treats or toys to help reduce anxiety levels during the journey.

Consider a Dog Walker

If you’re going to be out and about exploring, hiring a dog walker can ensure your furry friend gets the exercise they need.

Take Advantage of TrustedHousesitters

For pet parents looking for a reliable pet sitting solution, TrustedHousesitters offers a free pet owner membership to connect you with trusted sitters for safe pet sitting stays.

Remember, It’s Lost Pet Prevention Month

During your travels, be extra cautious to prevent your pet from getting lost – it’s Lost Pet Prevention Month, after all.

  • TrustedHousesitters
  • Rover
  • PetsHotel


Pet parents, rejoice! Traveling with your furry friends is now easier than ever, thanks to a wide range of pet care options available.

Whether you prefer the personalized attention of in-home pet sitting or the convenience of luxury pet hotels and local kennels, there’s something to suit every pet’s needs and preferences.

And don’t worry about your pet’s safety! By updating their ID tags and microchips, teaching them recall commands, and assessing any potential risks at home, you can ensure their well-being during pet sitting stays.

Need a reliable pet sitter? Check out Rover, a trusted platform that connects pet owners with professional sitters. Or, if you prefer on-site care, PetSmart PetsHotel has got you covered.

So go ahead, plan that road trip or book that vacation without any guilt. Your pet will be in good hands, and you won’t have to miss out on any adventures!

How To Prepare Your Dog For Boarding

Comprehending the steps necessary to get your pup ready for boarding is an essential element of being a conscientious pet owner. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the evolution of dog boarding facilities and provide you with key insights on what to look out for when researching prospective facilities.

We’ll also offer crucial tips on preparing your furry friend for their stay at a kennel, including important health preparations such as de-fleaing, de-worming, and updating vaccinations. Additionally, we discuss common concerns like kennel cough and preventive measures that can be taken prior to admission into a kennel environment.

You’ll gain knowledge about special services offered by good boarding kennels and why it’s not recommended to authorize training during your dog’s stay unless you have thoroughly screened the trainer beforehand. Lastly, we explore fear-free certified professionals and the benefits of utilizing dog daycare services in conjunction with or as an alternative to traditional boarding.

This detailed guide will arm you with everything needed when considering how best to prepare your dog for boarding while ensuring their comfort throughout their stay.

Table of Contents:

The Evolution of Dog Boarding Facilities

Let us take a journey to the past.

Once upon a time, dog boarding facilities were more like prison cells than cozy retreats.

But fear not, things have changed.

Nowadays, boarding facilities, like those offered by Fine Dog Kennels, are all about comfort and enrichment for our furry friends.

A Focus on Canine Comfort and Enrichment

Gone are the days of cold, bare enclosures.

Modern boarding facilities prioritize creating a safe and comfortable environment for every dog.

Because let’s face it, no one wants their pup feeling like they’re doing time.

Educated Handlers Make All The Difference

When choosing a boarding facility, finding one with well-educated handlers is key.

These handlers not only understand canine behavior, but they also know how to keep your fur-baby calm and stress-free.

Because nobody wants their dog to have a ruff time during their stay.

This evolution has transformed boarding facilities from boring holding spaces to engaging environments filled with love and care.

When looking for a place to board your pup, take the time to inspect potential facilities and determine if they meet your expectations.

Researching Prospective Dog Boarding Facilities

Choosing a dog boarding facility is serious business. We want the best for our furry friends.

To ensure our beloved pet is provided with the highest quality of care and comfort, let’s pick a first-rate dog boarding facility.

What to Look For During Your Tour

When you visit potential boarding facilities, keep an eye out for these important things:

  • Cleanliness: No one wants a dirty kennel. It’s a breeding ground for germs and “kennel cough”. Yikes.
  • Attentive Staff: Well-educated dog handlers are a must. No slackers allowed.
  • Noise Levels: Excessive barking? That’s either stressed-out dogs or lazy staff. Neither is good.

Some places might not allow tours, but ask for photos or videos instead. We don’t want our pups in prison cells.

Also, check if there’s enough space between enclosures. We don’t want any unnecessary tension between unfamiliar dogs.

Remember, ask yourself, “Would I want to stay here?” Trust your gut.

Preparing Your Dog for Their Stay at the Boarding Facility

The journey to a dog boarding facility doesn’t start on drop-off day. No, it starts much earlier.

To guarantee your pooch’s remain is as tranquil and worry-free as could be expected under the circumstances, there are things you can do in advance.

Sleep Adjustments

Your dog has a specific sleep routine. If they’re used to sleeping with you or lounging around all day, suddenly being thrust into an active kennel environment might be jarring.

A few weeks before their stay, try adjusting your pet’s sleep schedule to match the boarding facilities. It’ll help them acclimate more easily.

Trial Boarding Stay

If your pup has never been boarded before or tends to get anxious when separated from you, a trial boarding stay could be beneficial. Allow your pup to spend a short period of time in the care of experienced dog sitters who recognize how essential it is to make every canine feel secure and at ease.

Familiar Items From Home

Dogs rely heavily on scent for comfort. Pack familiar items like blankets, toys, and even clothing worn by family members. It’ll make the enclosures feel less like prison cells and more like home sweet home. Plus, it helps your dog feel more at ease among other unfamiliar dogs.

And this simple act alone goes a long way toward making any good boarding kennels seem great. But hold onto those leashes – up next, we’ll discuss health preparations needed before heading off board.

The Day Of – Dropping Off Your Dog at The Kennel

It’s finally here, the day of your dog’s stay at a boarding facility.

It’s time to relinquish your pooch for their stay at the kennel; you’ve done all that is necessary in advance.

I recommend dropping them off in the morning. This gives dogs ample time to adjust before bedtime.

Making Goodbyes Short & Sweet

Saying goodbye is never easy, but remember: long goodbyes can make things worse for both you and your pet.

Packing Comfort Items from Home

  • A blanket that smells like home can provide comfort in an unfamiliar kennel environment.

Dog Food Matters.

  • If possible, bring along some of their usual dog food; sudden diet changes may upset their stomachs during an already stressful transition period.

Understanding Special Services Offered by Good Boarding Kennels

If you’re looking for dog boarding facilities, it’s important to know about the extra perks they might offer.

This can range from accommodating special diets to providing additional exercise options.

Can The Kennel Accommodate Special Diets?

Dog owners often worry if their pet’s unique dietary needs will be met at a dog boarding facility. But fear not, many good boarding kennels can handle special diets.

Extra Charges Involved?

You may wonder if these tailored services come with an added cost. Rest assured, your furry friend’s health and happiness are worth every penny.

Training During Boarding – Yay or Nay?

Considering training during your dog’s stay at the kennel? Well-educated dog handlers don’t recommend this unless you’ve thoroughly screened the trainer beforehand. It’s crucial to select an experienced and knowledgeable trainer.

Now, let’s focus on ensuring our dogs’ comfort during their stay in these facilities. Ready?

Ensuring Your Dog’s Comfort During Their Stay

When it comes to dog boarding, your pet’s comfort is top dog.

The unfamiliar kennel environment can be ruff for some dogs.

A few simple steps can make a pawsitive difference in helping your dog feel more at home during their stay at the boarding facility.

Bring Familiar Items from Home

Familiarity breeds comfort when dealing with strange environments and strange dogs. So, pack some items that smell like home, like blankets or toys.

These familiar scents help reassure them and provide an added layer of security amidst new smells and sounds.

Maintain Regular Feeding Habits

Your pooch will appreciate sticking to its regular diet while away from home. If possible, pack enough of their favorite dog food.

This not only ensures dietary consistency but also helps avoid potential digestive upsets associated with sudden changes in diet.

Ask if the kennel can accommodate special diets if necessary; many good boarding kennels do.

Sleeping Arrangements: A Touch Of Home In The Boarding Facility It’s Important.

If you know where exactly within the house your dog sleeps best – whether on a particular couch or bedspread – let the staff know before check-in time at the chosen facility.

This allows them to recreate these conditions as closely as possible, making it easier for your pup to settle into sleep after an exciting day full of activities.

Choosing Fear-Free Certified Professionals

Your dog’s comfort and safety should be top priority when selecting a boarding facility.

That’s why it’s crucial to opt for fear-free certified professionals.

These well-educated dog handlers don’t just provide basic care, they go the extra mile to ensure your furry friend has a pawsitive experience during their stay at the kennel.

Fear-Free Certification: What Does It Mean?

Fear Free certification indicates that staff members have undergone extensive training on reducing anxiety and fear in pets.

The Benefits of Choosing Fear-Free Handlers

  • Dogs are handled gently, using techniques designed to minimize stress and discomfort.
  • Pets are less likely to develop behavioral issues associated with traumatic experiences, like being left alone among strange dogs or staying in enclosures that resemble bare prison cells.

Making Use Of Dog Daycare Services

Now, let’s talk about dog daycare services.

This is an alternative or addition to traditional overnight stays at boarding facilities that can help your furry friend feel more comfortable when eventually staying overnight.

Drop off your pup for a day of fun and socialization – not just to be left alone. It’s much more than that.

It’s like child care, but for dogs. A safe haven for your pup while you’re busy with work or other commitments.

The beauty of this service lies not only in its convenience but also in its ability to offer socialization opportunities for our canine companions. This is especially beneficial if you have a single dog who doesn’t get many chances to interact with strange dogs.

Remember though, every dog has unique needs and temperaments. Hence it’s important that these centers provide individualized attention, catering specifically towards making each dog feel loved and cared for.

Finding The Right Dog Daycare For Your Pet

Just like how we toured prospective boarding facilities before deciding on one, similarly choosing the right dog daycare requires research too.

Some factors worth considering include staff training (well-educated dog handlers don’t come easy), cleanliness standards maintained by the facility, and the group play supervision methods employed by them, among others.

A good quality center will be transparent about their policies, allowing clients access into areas where pets spend most of their time, so as to ensure nothing remains hidden from view, including enclosures that should never resemble bare prison cells.

So next time you’re planning an extended trip away from home, consider incorporating some days at such centers before finalizing plans related to a long-term stay within any kennel environment. This will ease the transition process significantly, ensuring overall comfort throughout the entire duration involved – after all, happiness and well-being are always the top priority for us responsible and loving pet owners.

Key Takeaway: Prepare your dog for boarding by considering the option of dog daycare services, which provide a safe and social environment for your furry friend while you’re busy. When choosing a daycare facility, consider factors such as staff training, cleanliness standards, and transparency in policies to ensure your pet receives individualized attention and care.


In conclusion, when it comes to dog boarding, it’s important to choose a facility that doesn’t make your furry friend feel like they’re in a prison cell.

Make sure to tour prospective boarding facilities and check if their enclosures resemble bare prison cells or if they provide a comfortable environment for your dog.

Also, don’t forget to remove your dog’s collar before leaving them at the boarding facility, unless you want them to join a canine fashion show.

Good boarding kennels should have well-educated dog handlers who know how to make your dog feel comfortable during their stay.

And if your dog has any special dietary needs, make sure the kennel can accommodate them, because no one wants a hangry pup.

Lastly, don’t forget to visit the veterinarian beforehand to ensure your dog is in good health and protected against kennel cough and other potential illnesses.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your dog’s boarding experience is a pawsitive one!

How To Crate Train Your Dog: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding how to crate train your dog is a vital skill for pet owners, offering benefits such as aiding in house training and providing a safe haven for your canine companion. Crate training can be an intricate process that requires patience, consistency, and knowledge of your pet’s behavior.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the importance of crate training and help you choose the right type of crate for your furry friend. From kennel or airline crates to wire crates and soft-sided options, selecting the appropriate enclosure is crucial.

We’ll provide a comprehensive guide on introducing your dog to its crate, including tips for making meal times enjoyable and increasing crating periods. This includes tips on making meal times enjoyable inside their special space and gradually increasing crating periods without causing undue distress.

Furthermore, we’ll discuss common challenges faced during the crate training process such as dealing with separation anxiety or managing destructive behavior in adult dogs. Finally, we will explore advanced techniques on how to crate train your dog while emphasizing the role patience plays in successful implementation.

Table of Contents:

The Importance of Crate Training Your Dog

Let’s get this paw-ty started.

Crate training is the doggy version of a luxury suite. It satisfies their natural instincts and gives them a cozy, secure space to call their own.

A well-executed crate training process is like a magic trick – it keeps your pup happy and your home intact.

Natural Instincts at Play

When your dog enters their crate, it’s not just seeking shelter – it’s searching for a sense of security. A little den where they can feel safe and sound.

Anxiety? Not in This Crate.

Crates are like doggy therapists. They help calm anxiety and keep your furry friend relaxed when you’re not around or on the go.

Puppy Crate Training: Age Matters

When it comes to young puppies, remember this golden rule: pups under six months should never stay crated for more than three or four hours. We don’t want them struggling with bladder control in their new sanctuary.

Taking Time With Older Dogs Too.

But what about the wise old dogs? The crate training process can take time for them too. It could take as much as half a year for your mature pup to become comfortable with their kennel.

Now that we’ve covered the why, let’s dig deeper. Up next – choosing the perfect home within your home (aka picking the best possible kennel).

Choosing the Right Crate for Your Dog

Step one: find the perfect dog crate. It’s like online shopping, but for your furry friend.

Don’t settle for just any crate. Consider durability, comfort, and size. Your dog deserves the best.

Types of Crates

There are crates for every doggy need. Let’s explore the options:

  • Kennel or airline crates: sturdy and secure, perfect for travel. Your pup will feel like a first-class passenger.
  • Wire crates: airy and spacious, great for visibility. Just be prepared to do some weightlifting.
  • Soft-sided crates: lightweight and portable, ideal for adventures. Your dog will be the ultimate travel buddy.

Remember, size matters. Choose a crate that allows your dog to stand and turn comfortably, but not so big that they feel lost in their own space.

Step-by-step Guide to Crate Training Your Dog

The crate training process is a journey, not an overnight success story.

To make it smooth and effective for your pet, follow these crucial steps:

Introducing Your Dog to The Crate

Your first task? Making the dog’s crate feel like home sweet home.

Put some treats inside or perhaps place their favorite chew toy in there.

The goal? Make your pooch associate the cage with positive experiences.

But remember: Don’t force them in. Let curiosity lead them through that open crate door.

Once they’re exploring without fear – you’ve won half the battle.

Making Meal Times Crate Times

Now onto step two of our guide on how to crate train your dog.

Begin feeding meals near the open door of its cage.

Is Fido happily munching away? Great.

Gradually move his dish further back until he’s eating comfortably inside.

This simple trick can turn meal times into happy “crate times”.

Remember: Patience is key here. Rushing this part might scare off your furry friend from entering again.

Increasing Crating Periods

Alrighty then. Now we’re ready for longer crating periods.

Start small – maybe 10 minutes at a time while you’re still nearby.

Increase slowly over weeks (not days.). If ever Mr.Woof starts whining or showing distress signals – take a pause. It’s okay; Rome wasn’t built in one day either.

And voila. You’ve got yourself started on successful daytime and nighttime crate training sessions.

Next up? Ensuring comfort and safety during this whole procedure… But more about that later.

Ensuring Comfort and Safety During Crate Training

The comfort of your pet is top dog during the crate training process.

Dogs should never have collars or tags on when they’re in their crates, to avoid any potential choking hazards.

Creating A Safe Environment

Make sure there are no harmful objects within reach inside or near the dog’s crate. Safety first, fur real.

You want to create a safe haven where your pooch can rest without worry.

Time Management Is Key

Don’t let your pup be crated for more than three hours if they are under six months old, as their bladder control is still developing.

For pups under six months old, keep crate time under three hours. Younger pups may need even shorter stints since they don’t have strong bladder control yet.

Older dogs might be able to handle a bit longer, but remember that all pets are unique. Watch how much time feels comfy for your furry friend.

Take regular breaks from confinement so your pup doesn’t feel like it’s doing time. We’re aiming for positive associations, not puppy prison.

With patience and consistency, you’ll soon have a well-adjusted adult dog who sees its crate as nothing less than home sweet home.

Overcoming Common Challenges In Crate Training

Let’s face it, crate training can be ruff.

Dealing with separation anxiety and destructive behavior? No need to fret – we’re here to help.

Dealing With Separation Anxiety

Is your dog whining as soon as you step out of sight? It’s like they’re auditioning for an opera.

But fear not, there’s a solution.

First, start by leaving your pet inside the open crate for short periods while you’re still in view. Baby steps, people.

Next, don’t make a big fuss about leaving or returning home. Act casual, like you’re just going to the grocery store for some kibble.

And if all else fails, distract your furry friend with a tasty treat or a chew toy. Out of sight, out of mind.

Managing Destructive Behavior

Does your adult dog think their crate is a chew toy or an escape room? Oh, the drama.

But fear not, there’s hope.

Use positive reinforcement techniques, like giving treats when your dog enters their crate calmly. Bribery works, people.

Provide your pup with something to munch on, like a chew toy, so they have something to occupy their attention and don’t become destructive. A happy dog is a non-destructive dog.

Remember, patience is key. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a perfectly trained pup.

Now that we’ve tackled some challenges, let’s dive into advanced ways you can further improve this process under Heading 6 – Advanced Crate Training Techniques.

Advanced Crate Training Techniques

Dog crate training doesn’t have to be ruff. It can be a pawsome game.

Welcome to the world of “crate games”.

The Art of ‘Crate Games’

‘Crate games’ are like the Olympics of crate training. They turn the process into a tail-wagging good time.

Making The Game Fun And Rewarding

Making crate training fun is as easy as giving treats or favorite toys when your dog enters their crate. It’s like a surprise party every time.

Crafting A Positive Experience For Your Dog With Every Step They Take Towards Their Crate…
  1. Toss a treat inside the open crate door and let them fetch it without closing them in yet. It’s like a tasty treasure hunt.
  2. If they enter voluntarily after fetching their reward, give another one as praise but keep the door still open. It’s like winning a jackpot.
  3. Sit quietly nearby while letting them explore at will – no pressure. Once comfortable enough, start using commands like “kennel” or “bed”. It’s like teaching them a secret language.

The key is patience; remember this isn’t something that happens overnight.

Remember: every small step towards making your pup love their new home counts big-time. It’s like building a castle, one brick at a time.

Your ultimate goal here? To make sure whenever you say “Go to bed,” Fido happily trots off towards their comfy corner instead of hiding under furniture dreading bedtime.

So go ahead…turn those tedious training steps into exciting playtime opportunities today.

The Role Of Patience In Successful Crate Training

Let’s get one thing straight.

No matter if you’re dealing with older dogs or young puppies, patience is your best friend in the crate training process.



  • You’ve got a ball of energy that’s curious about everything. They might be excited to explore their new dog crate, but they also have short attention spans. That means puppy crate training can take time – lots of it.
  • If your pup doesn’t immediately fall in love with their new den, don’t panic. It takes time for them to feel comfortable and secure inside the wire crates from pet supply stores.
  • Your job? Keep tossing treats inside and sit quietly nearby while they investigate at their own pace. Remember: positive reinforcement goes a long way here.

Your heart sinks as this cycle repeats over days – even weeks. But hold up. This isn’t failure; it’s part of the journey. Remember our keyword here? Patience.

A Quick Note On Older Dogs And Adult Dogs:

Just like humans, every dog has unique quirks shaped by life experiences. A rescue may have had negative associations with confinement due to previous trauma which makes nighttime crate training more challenging than daytime sessions. So what do we do? We adjust accordingly. Keep an open mind (like how you keep that open crate door) during these trying times because consistency is key. It all boils down to understanding: The more patient you are throughout this process, the easier it becomes for both parties involved. And when things finally click into place? You’ll see just how worth-it was waiting patiently through those initial hurdles.

FAQs in Relation to How to Crate Train Your Dog

How do I properly crate train my dog?

To properly crate train your dog, follow the step-by-step guide that includes introducing your pet to the crate, making meal times inside the open crate, and gradually increasing crating periods.

How long does it take for a dog to get used to crate training?

The duration varies based on each individual dog’s age and personality, but most dogs can become comfortable with their crates within a few weeks following consistent training procedures outlined.

Is it healthy to crate train your dog?

Yes, when done correctly, crate training is healthy. It provides a safe space for your pet and aids in housebreaking young puppies. Learn more at VCA Hospitals.

What is the best way to crate train a puppy?

The best way involves using positive reinforcement techniques such as giving treats inside the open crate. Patience plays an essential role throughout this process. Find more tips at this comprehensive guide on how you can get your puppy ready for nighttime crate training.


 The key to a happy and well-behaved pup!

Introduce your dog to its crate gradually, using positive reinforcement and tasty treats.

Choose the right crate for your furry friend’s size and age.

Start by leaving the crate door open and let your dog explore it at their own pace.

When your dog enters the crate, reward them with treats and praise.

If your dog whines or gets anxious, don’t panic – they just need some time to adjust.

Keep tossing treats inside the crate to encourage your dog to go in willingly.

Once your dog can sit quietly in the crate, give them a chew toy to keep them entertained.

Gradually increase the time your dog spends in the crate, starting with short periods and building up.

Remember to use positive reinforcement and never force your dog into the crate.

When your dog is comfortable, begin feeding them their meals inside the crate.

Take your dog for a walk before crating them to help them burn off energy.

With consistency and patience, your dog will learn to love their crate and see it as their safe haven.

Finding the Best Dog Boarding Kennels in The US

Deciding on the best dog boarding kennels in the US requires careful consideration of various factors. From comfort and healthcare provisions to unique features that enhance your canine companion’s stay, selecting an ideal facility can be quite challenging.

In this guide, we’ll delve into some of the top-notch facilities across the country and discuss what sets them apart. You’ll learn about essential aspects like scheduling visits, assessing amenities offered by these establishments such as Kuranda bedding or lambswool blankets, and understanding their rates and policies.

We will also explore crate-free boarding options which provide a more homely environment for your pet. Additionally, you’ll discover how observing your dog’s reaction during initial visits can offer valuable insights into their comfort level at these kennels.

By examining factors like outdoor playtime availability and seeking recommendations from other dog owners who’ve used these services before, you’re bound to find one of the best dog boarding kennels in the US for your furry friend.

Table of Contents:

Unleashing the Best Dog Boarding Kennels in the US

If you’re a pet owner, finding good dog boarding facilities is crucial. You don’t want your furry friend to have a “ruff” time while you’re away.

We’ve dug up two pawsome options for you: Gracelane Kennels and Paws and Play.

The Legacy of Gracelane Kennels

Gracelane Kennels, established in 1911, is one of America’s oldest continuously operating commercial dog boarding kennels. It’s been around longer than your dog’s favorite chew toy.

This place can accommodate up to 200 dogs during peak periods. That’s a whole lot of wagging tails.

Gracelane Kennels even hosts important guests like MTA, UN, and police dogs. Talk about VIP treatment.

Fun-filled Stays at Paws and Play

Now let’s move on to Paws and Play Pet Resort & Training Center. This place takes “doggie daycare” to a whole new level.

At Paws and Play, your furry friend can enjoy crate-free boarding and have a blast in their 4k square feet play area. It’s like a doggy amusement park.

They even offer pumpkin-based treats and blueberry facials. Your dog will come back looking and feeling fabulous.

Now that we’ve unleashed these remarkable establishments, let’s dive into what makes them stand out. We’ll also share essential contact checklist points when choosing a dog boarding facility.

Stay tuned if you don’t want your beloved pooch feeling desperate or left out next time they need temporary housing.

Dog Boarding Checklist: Contact Essentials

Choosing a dog boarding facility? Don’t just wing it, use this checklist.

Make sure your furry friend gets the best care possible during their stay.

Assessing Facility Conditions

Step one: check out the digs at any potential boarding kennel.

Look for cleanliness and security measures – a clean place means quality pet care.

And don’t forget about those securely-fenced exercise areas. Safety first, doggos.

Staff Interaction with Dogs

Watch how the staff interacts with the pups on-site.

Do they show genuine affection? Do they have the know-how to handle different breeds?

Make sure your dog is in good hands with knowledgeable and caring staff.

Beyond Basic Boarding – Luxury Services

When it comes to pet care, some facilities go the extra mile.

Pets A Go Go and White Plains Pet Resort offer services that redefine what a dog boarding kennel can be.

Green Grooming at Pets A Go Go

Pets A Go is more than just a commercial dog boarding kennel.

This facility in Briarcliff Manor stands out with its unique approach to grooming using green beauty products while offering crate-free boarding experiences for your canine companion.

Pampering at White Plains Pet Resort

Moving over to White Plains Pet Resort, luxury meets pet care like never before.

They even have personal TVs in suites & orthopedic mattresses available, especially for those furry friends with health problems.

From these examples alone, you get an idea of how much the world of dog quality has evolved.

These establishments are not only focused on providing basic animal care education but also ensure that every aspect contributes positively towards making your pooch’s boarding experience memorable.

Next up: Preparing Your Dog For Boarding.

How do we ease our pets into this new environment?

Stay tuned.

Preparing Your Dog For Boarding

When it comes to getting your dog ready for boarding, a little prep goes a long way.

Your pup’s first stay at a fancy dog hotel can be exciting but also a bit stressful.

To make sure everything goes smoothly, here are some tips:

  • Give your dog a short overnight stay or two before longer stays to help them get used to their new digs.
  • Make sure all vaccinations are up-to-date before checking into the doggy hotel. And don’t forget those routine health checks.
  • If available, try out doggie daycare a couple of times before longer stays. It’ll help your furry friend get familiar with the staff and other dogs, reducing stress levels.

Remember, every dog is different. Some adjust quickly, while others need more time.

If your dog acts out or loses their appetite after trial runs, it could mean they’re not comfortable.

If traditional options don’t work, consider professional pet care providers who offer in-home services for dogs with special needs like separation anxiety.

By taking proactive steps now, you’ll improve your dog’s chances of adapting well and ensure they have a pawsome time while you’re away.

Other Considerations When Boarding Your Dog

Choosing the right boarding option for your dog goes beyond just facilities and services.

Your pooch’s behavior post-boarding is a crucial indicator of their experience at the facility.

Dog Behavior Post-Boarding: A Key Indicator

If your dog comes back acting like a diva, it’s time to reconsider that boarding kennel.

A happy pup will return home wagging their tail and ready for a nap after a pawsome boarding experience.

Leveraging Recommendations From Other Pet Owners

Chatting with dog-owning friends can give you the inside scoop on the best dog boarding spots.

They might have some paw-some suggestions based on their own experiences.

The Importance Of Online Reviews And Ratings For Kennels

Online reviews are like a doggie Yelp, providing honest feedback on kennels and daycare centers.

They can reveal the positives, negatives, and messiness of a kennel or daycare center, aiding in making an educated decision.

Next up, let’s dig into the emergency preparedness measures these establishments need to have in place.

Emergency Preparedness At Dog Boarding Facilities

In the world of pet care, emergencies can happen in a flash.

A good dog boarding facility is always ready for the unexpected and has protocols in place to keep your furry friend safe.

Veterinarian Information Access

The first thing on any emergency checklist should be having access to veterinarian information.

This ensures that if a medical situation arises with your pup during their stay at the kennel, they can get immediate professional help.

recommends establishing a relationship between boarding facilities and local veterinary clinics. Having a connection to veterinary care gives you the assurance that specialists are on hand should something happen while your pet is at the kennel, providing both comfort and prompt assistance.

Pet First-Aid Training For Staff Members

Having contact details for veterinarians is important, but the staff members at these places need proper training too.

A well-prepared team will have undergone pet first-aid training.

This allows them to handle minor injuries or stabilize major ones until further help arrives.

In a nutshell, when choosing a commercial dog boarding kennel, make sure to ask about their emergency procedures. From evacuation plans in case of fire or natural disasters to how they handle it if your dog is being a picky eater – they should have it all covered. With this knowledge, we can be responsible pet owners and choose quality care providers who prioritize animal welfare above all else.

Alternatives To Boring Dog Boarding

If traditional dog boarding doesn’t tickle your pup’s fancy, don’t fret.

Don’t worry, there are other choices available that could suit both you and your four-legged pal.

Hiring Professional Dog Sitters

Why settle for a commercial dog boarding kennel when you can hire a pro dog sitter?

Hiring a professional dog sitter offers the advantage of having your pup walked or even looked after in their own familiar environment while you’re away.

Finding The Right Fit With Apps

In this digital age, there are apps that connect pet owners with caregivers.

Apps like PetSitClick and Rover let you browse profiles of local individuals offering their services as part-time pet care providers.

Making Sure Your Pup Is Comfortable And Happy

Remember, no matter what option you choose, always prioritize your pup’s comfort and happiness.

Arrange short visits before committing fully so that neither party feels overwhelmed.

FAQs in Relation to Dog Boarding Kennels in the Us

Do dogs like being in boarding kennels?

Dogs can enjoy boarding kennels if they offer comfy accommodations and plenty of playtime with their furry friends.

Do dogs miss their owners when boarded?

Yes, some dogs may feel a tad lonely without their humans, but a good dog boarding facility can keep them entertained and shower them with love.

Why is dog boarding so expensive?

Dog boarding costs a pretty penny because it includes top-notch care, delicious meals, and a whole lot of tail-wagging fun.

What is the importance of dog boarding?

Dog boarding is crucial for pet parents who need a reliable and good dog boarding facility to take care of their furry pals when they can’t be there.


Selecting the optimal dog kennel for your four-legged companion is essential to guarantee their contentment and welfare while you’re away.

Schedule a visit in advance, because you don’t want your dog staying in a place that smells like wet socks.

Assess the comfort and healthcare provisions, because your dog deserves a spa-like experience, not a prison cell.

Understand the rates and policies, because you don’t want to come back from vacation to find out you’ve spent your life savings on doggy room service.

Observe your dog’s reaction, because if they start barking and howling as soon as you walk in, it’s probably not a good sign.

Gather essential information, like the facility’s veterinarian information and pet first-aid training, because you never know when your dog might eat something they shouldn’t.

Seek recommendations from other dog owners, because your dog-owning friends have probably been through this before and can save you from a doggy disaster.

Trust your instincts, because if something feels off about a boarding facility, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Remember to prioritize outdoor playtime for exercise and socialization, because a dog desperate for fresh air is not a happy dog.

And finally, choose a boarding facility with securely-fenced exercise areas, because you don’t want your dog making a run for it.

Exploring Boarding Kennel Advantages and Disadvantages

Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of boarding kennels is essential for every pet parent. As responsible caregivers, we strive to provide our pets with optimal care when we can’t be there ourselves. This comprehensive guide will help you navigate through this often complex decision-making process.

We’ll delve into what dog boarding kennels offer, from professional care and secure environments to active schedules designed for your furry friends’ well-being. However, it’s equally important to acknowledge potential drawbacks such as disease transmission risks or changes in diet that may stress individual dogs.

Beyond exploring these aspects of dog boarding facilities, we’ll also consider an alternative – hiring a pet sitter. We’ll evaluate the benefits and drawbacks of both options, providing a comprehensive look at each.

From cost analysis between dog boarding vs pet sitting to providing a comprehensive dog boarding checklist for preparing your pup; everything you need is covered here. Lastly but importantly, we’ll discuss the importance of having an active dog insurance policy before making any decisions about your pet’s temporary care arrangement.

Table of Contents:

The Ins and Outs of Dog Boarding Kennels

Let’s plunge into the realm of canine boarding kennels, where your four-legged pal can stay while you’re away.

Dog boarding facilities offer a range of services, from basic care to fancy pet resorts.

These places have fencing and food storage areas designed to keep your pup safe and well-fed.

And if your dog needs medical attention, some kennels have on-site vet clinics or partnerships with local vets.

But beware. Not all facilities are created equal. Do your homework before trusting them with your precious pooch.

To find a reliable provider, follow a comprehensive dog boarding checklist. Let’s go over that again later.

Pros and Cons of Dog Boarding Facilities

Dog boarding facilities are a widely used selection for animal owners, yet they have their own unique pros and cons.

Advantages of Dog Boarding Facilities

Professional Care: Who needs a pet sitter when you can have trained staff watching over your furry friend 24/7?

Safety First: These facilities have fencing and food storage areas designed to keep your dog safe and sound. No more worrying about them getting into trouble.

Active Schedules: Your dog will have plenty of exercise and playtime with other pups. It’s like a luxury pet resort for them.

Disadvantages to Consider

Risky Business: Communal environments can increase the risk of infectious diseases like kennel cough. Make sure to check vaccination requirements before choosing a boarding facility.

Anxiety And Stress: Dogs may feel anxious or stressed in a new environment, especially if they’re not used to being away from their family for long periods of time.

Lack of Personalized Attention: Some larger boarding facilities may not be able to give each dog the individual attention they need due to the high volume of guests.

To sum up, understanding the pros and cons of dog boarding will help you make an informed decision that suits your beloved pooch’s unique needs and preferences.

Understanding Pet Sitting as an Alternative

Pet sitting is like a staycation for your furry friend, right in the comfort of their own home.

Unlike dog boarding, pet sitters offer personalized attention and care, perfect for older or less active dogs who prefer their familiar surroundings.

The Perks of Hiring a Pet Sitter

With a pet sitter, your fur baby gets one-on-one TLC and a routine tailored just for them.

No stress of a new environment – they can stay in their happy place.

Potential Paw-sitives and Paw-sibilities

Tracking down a dependable pet sitter may be difficult, yet the serenity of mind it brings is worth the effort.

Unexpected situations? A good pet sitter knows how to handle them like a pro.

Cost Analysis – Dog Boarding vs Pet Sitting

If you’re deciding between dog boarding and hiring a pet sitter, cost is a biggie.

Dog boarding facilities can be pricey. Basic kennels average $25-$45 per night, while luxury pet resorts can charge upwards of $75.

Cost isn’t the only factor to consider. The level of service also affects the cost.

Fancy facilities might offer grooming or training sessions, adding value but also adding to the bill.

Pet Sitter Costs

Pet sitters, on the other hand, have more flexible rates. They charge around $20-$40 per visit, with extra fees for overnight stays or special care.

Finding The Balance Between Cost And Care Quality

Don’t let your budget compromise your pup’s well-being. No matter what you opt for, make certain your four-legged companion gets the care and consideration they merit.

A Comprehensive Dog Boarding Checklist

Preparing for dog boarding or hiring a pet sitter can be overwhelming, but don’t fret. We’ve got you taken care of with a list to assist you.

Vaccination Records and Veterinary Treatments

First things first, make sure your pup’s vaccinations are up-to-date. No kennel cough allowed here. Also, talk to your vet about any necessary preventative treatments or medications.

Finding a Suitable Boarding Facility or Pet Sitter

Search for a location that meets your pup’s requirements. Look for clean facilities with proper fencing and food storage areas. And if you’re going for a pet sitter, make sure they have good references and experience.

Necessary Food Supplies and Comfort Items

Pack enough chow for your four-legged pal and tote along their beloved playthings or coverings. Familiar items can help reduce stress while they’re away from home.

Remember, the goal is to keep your pup safe and happy while you’re gone. So choose wisely between a luxury pet resort or a pet sitter. It makes all the difference.

Now, let’s talk about some red flags to watch out for when choosing a boarding facility.

Red Flags in Choosing a Boarding Facility

The process of finding the perfect boarding facility for your beloved pooch can be daunting. However, being aware of potential red flags can help you make an informed decision.

Dilapidated Kennels:

If you see dirty kennels or weak fencing housing large playgroups, run like the wind. Safety should be a top priority in dog boarding facilities.

No Vaccination Requirements:

When a facility doesn’t require vaccinations, it’s like playing Russian roulette with your pup’s health. Don’t take the risk.

Poor Reviews Or Complaints:

Online reviews are like a crystal ball into the future. If you observe recurrent unsatisfactory remarks, don’t disregard them. Your dog deserves better.

Remember, every dog is unique, so keep an open mind while exploring options. But always trust your gut when something feels off. Safety and happiness come first.

Preparing Your Pup For Boarding

The anticipation of your pup being in a new place, like an opulent pet hotel or with a house-sitter, can be intimidating. However, proper preparation can ease the transition and reduce anxiety for both you and your furry friend.

Easing Anxiety

A key aspect is easing any potential separation anxiety that may arise from being away from their familiar surroundings. Gradually increasing alone time and introducing items with your scent can help.

Routine Matters

An established routine gives dogs comfort and predictability, so it’s essential to maintain this even when they’re boarded.

Dietary Considerations & Medical Preparations

  • Maintain consistent feeding times and use similar food brands/types if possible. Sudden dietary changes might cause digestive issues.
  • If your dog requires specific medical treatments, prepare beforehand. Pack all medications with clear instructions on dosage and timings.

Remember, creating an optimal boarding situation eases stress for both pets and owners. And don’t forget the importance of having an active dog insurance policy for peace of mind.

Why You Need an Active Dog Insurance Policy

If you’re a pet parent, having dog insurance is a must. It’s like a safety net for your furry friend.

Imagine your pooch getting sick or injured while in someone else’s care. It occurs more frequently than we’d care to acknowledge.

Veterinary treatments can be expensive, and emergencies can pop up when you least expect them. That’s where dog insurance comes in handy.

With an active dog insurance policy, you can breathe easy knowing that your insurer will cover the costs of medical attention within the limits of your plan.

  • Comprehensive coverage: Most plans cover accidents, illnesses, surgeries, and even preventative measures like vaccinations. You never know when your dog might catch kennel cough in a boarding situation.
  • Budget-friendly options: There are plans to fit every budget, from basic accident-only coverage to premium plans that cover everything from alternative therapies to behavioral issues.
  • Note: The cost of insurance depends on factors like breed, age, and location. Do your research before choosing a plan.
  • Here’s an overview of what is generally included (and excluded) in these insurance plans.

Choosing What’s Best For Your Furry Friend

We know it’s a tough call.

Whether you’re considering the bustling environment of a dog boarding kennel, or leaning towards the personalized care that pet sitters offer, each option has its own set of pros and cons.

Your Dog’s Unique Needs Matter Most

The age, health status, and temperament of your individual dog play crucial roles in this decision-making process.

An active puppy might thrive on social interactions at a luxury pet resort while an older canine may prefer their familiar surroundings with only a trusted pet sitter for company.

A Delicate Balance Between Care And Comfort

Dogs don’t understand our human concept of vacations or business trips. They just know we’re gone longer than usual.

To minimize stress levels during these periods, choose what suits them best – whether it involves group activities at well-maintained facilities where dogs stay together under professional supervision or one-on-one time with dedicated caretakers who come home to pamper them daily.

Making The Right Choice Takes Time…And That’s Okay.

  • Veterinary clinics: Do they have tie-ups with any nearby? This is important especially if your pooch requires regular medical attention.
  • Fencing food storage areas designed: How are these managed? Hygiene standards can be telling signs about overall facility maintenance.
  • Pet Sitter Watch: If opting for personal caregivers instead – how do they plan to keep you updated about your furry friend?

FAQs in Relation to Boarding Kennel Advantages and Disadvantages

What are the negatives of boarding kennels?

Potential negatives include the risk of disease transmission like kennel cough, stress due to unfamiliar surroundings, and a possible lack of personalized attention.

Are boarding kennels good for dogs?

Yes, dog boarding kennels offer professional care, secure environments with fencing and food storage areas designed for safety, and active schedules which can be beneficial for many dogs.

What are the pros of kennels?

The advantages include professional care by trained staff members who understand canine behavior and health needs, as well as socialization opportunities with other dogs in a safe environment.

Is it better to leave a dog at home or board?

This depends on your individual dog’s temperament. Some pets prefer their own home environment with a trusted pet sitter, while others thrive in a luxury pet resort facility like a luxury pet resort.


Boarding kennels offer professional care and secure environments for dogs, but watch out for the risk of disease transmission and stress.

Pet sitters provide personalized care in your pet’s own home, but finding reliable ones can be a challenge.

When deciding between boarding kennels and pet sitting, consider your dog’s temperament, health concerns, and personal circumstances.

Dog Kennels vs Crates: A Comprehensive Guide for Pet Owners

When it comes to providing a comfortable and secure space for our canine companions, the debate between dog kennels vs crates often arises. Both options serve unique purposes and are designed with different features that cater to various needs of your pet.

In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the details of outdoor dog kennels and indoor dog crates, discussing their distinct characteristics. We’ll explore aspects such as maintenance requirements for kennels which unlike crates need more upkeep due to exposure to elements.

We will also dissect the variety of crate types available in today’s market including wire crates and plastic kennels, each with its own set of advantages based on your dog’s personality. Furthermore, we’ll provide valuable tips on transitioning your pet into their new home without causing undue stress or anxiety.

The article doesn’t stop there; it extends beyond just information by offering recommendations like premium pre-built outdoor kennel offers from trusted sources. Finally, we will weigh the pros and cons helping you make an informed decision when choosing between a dog kennel vs crate for your furry friend’s permanent residence.

Table of Contents:

The Distinction Between Dog Kennels and Crates

Alright, let’s dive right in.

It’s essential for canine owners to comprehend the contrast between a dog kennel and crate. They might seem similar but trust me; they serve different purposes.

dog kennel is like a luxury resort for your furry friend. It’s the dog’s permanent residence, their home sweet home. Unlike crates, kennels are spacious and perfect for bigger dogs who need room to stretch their paws.

On the other hand, crates are like cozy little caves for your pup. They’re portable and great for indoor use. Plus, they’re perfect for potty training sessions. Talk about multitasking.

So, are you looking for a dog’s dream vacation spot or a snug little hideaway? The choice is yours.

Still curious? Let’s dig deeper into the features that top dog crate picks and quality outdoor dog kennel offers have to offer.

Exploring the Features of Outdoor Dog Kennels

Dog kennels, particularly those outdoors, are more than just a spot to stash pooches. They’re like small houses for your furry friends.

Premium pre-built dog kennels offer shelter and protection from harsh weather conditions while also providing ample space for exercise with an attached run area.

The Appeal of Backyard Dog Kennels

If you have bigger dogs or working breeds that need frequent bathroom breaks, backyard dog kennels could be your solution. Sunlight? Check. Fresh air? Double-check.

Outdoor dog kennels, unlike crates, provide these benefits making them enjoyable spaces for our canine companions.

Maintenance Considerations For Premium Pre-Built Dog Kennels:

  • Cleaning: Regular cleaning is necessary to maintain hygiene standards within the structure.
  • Weatherproofing: These structures require occasional checks and repairs due to exposure to elements such as rain or snowfall – they aren’t exactly built like traditional wooden dog houses, but they sure do come close.

So next time when deciding between indoor crates vs outdoor ones, remember this – size does matter in keeping your pet comfortable.

An In-depth Look at Indoor Dog Crates

Indoor dog crates, what’s the deal with them?

Let’s dive in.

Dog owners love these nifty contraptions for maintaining peace and order at home. Unlike outdoor kennels, indoor dog crates give our furry friends a sense of security.

No more chaos from free-roaming pups.

There’s a wide variety to choose from – wire crates, plastic kennels, you name it. Each type has its own perks and uses to suit different needs.

Potty training, for example, is a breeze with these versatile crates. They also come in handy for temporarily confining your misbehaving pooch.

Top Dog Crate Picks for Every Dog’s Personality

Finding the right crate isn’t just about size or material; it’s about matching your pup’s personality. Check out this comprehensive list from PetsRadar for well-researched picks based on breed size and behavior patterns. PetsRadar’s list has got you covered.

Ready to make an informed decision between an outdoor kennel and an indoor crate? Let us guide you through it.

When to Choose a Kennel Over a Crate (and Vice Versa)

The decision between an outdoor dog kennel and an indoor dog crate isn’t always a walk in the park.

It depends on factors like your dog’s size, breed, behavior, and living situation.

Size Matters, Woof Woof.

Bigger dogs need more space than those puny dog crates can offer. Check out this handy guide for picking the right-sized digs for your furry friend.

Breed Needs, Bow Wow.

Some breeds love having their own territory, like a traditional wooden dog house. They’re not into crates, man.

Affectionate vs Independent Dogs: A Pawsome Consideration

Some dogs are clingy and want constant human attention, while others prefer their own space. For example, indoor dog crates are great for cuddle bugs who want to be close to their family.

Conversely, those dogs who need some space can find a comfortable home in an outdoor dog kennel.

Just remember, whichever option you choose, it should be more than just a temporary spot. It should be your dog’s permanent residence – their true home sweet home.

Making Your Decision – Choosing What’s Best For Your Pet

As a pup parent, you want to ensure the highest quality of life for your beloved canine companion.

The decision between outdoor dog kennels and indoor dog crates can be tough, but understanding their unique features will help guide your choice.

Dog Kennel or Dog Crate: Size Matters

Bigger dogs need room to roam, so go for a dog kennel that gives them space to stretch their legs.

Smaller pets prefer cozy quarters, so opt for a dog crate that offers a snug environment.

Your Pet’s Personality Traits & Behaviors Matter Too.

A well-behaved pet might enjoy the freedom an outdoor kennel offers, while a naughty pup might benefit from the confinement of a wire or plastic crate indoors.

Potty Training Considerations:

If potty training is on your agenda, choose a dog crate that helps with the process.

FAQs in Relation to Dog Kennels and Crates

Do dogs prefer crates or kennels?

Dogs’ preference between a crate and a kennel can vary based on their personality, size, and training.

What’s the difference between a dog crate and a cage?

A dog crate is cozy and enclosed, while a cage has bars and less comfort.

Are crates better for dogs?

Definitely, if used correctly, crates provide a safe space for dogs at home and during travel.

Are dogs happier in crates?

When introduced properly, many dogs feel secure and happy in their own private crate space.


When it comes to choosing between dog kennels and crates, consider your pet’s needs and preferences.

Dog kennels are perfect for outdoor use, giving bigger dogs more space and protection from the elements.

But beware, they require regular maintenance to stay in top shape.

On the other hand, dog crates are great for indoor use and can help with potty training or keeping a badly behaved dog in check.

Just make sure to pick the right crate based on your dog’s personality.

To make the right choice for your pet, follow tips for transitioning them into their new space without causing stress or anxiety.

If you’re looking for pre-built outdoor kennel options, this company offers premium pre-built outdoor dog kennels that can be delivered right to your doorstep.

Ultimately, weighing the pros and cons will help you decide whether a dog kennel or crate is the best fit for your furry friend’s home.

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